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Please feel free to download the resources on this page and start using them.

They are not just for reading, but designed to be interactive.

I hope they help you in your journey to be the most YOU performer you can be. 

Bloom VS Doom Diary


We all have doubts, painful thoughts or feelings and crises of confidence with our art and performance; this is NORMAL and to be expected. However, we do have some control over this: we can choose ACTIONS that increase our feeling of DOOM, or alternatively, help us BLOOM.​

Overcoming Stage Fright


Like pretty much all performers, I've had to figure out how to deal with performance anxiety. While I'm not sure if it's a completely 'fixable' thing, I have developed some strategies that I've written about, which I hope may help you too! 

Articles by Tash James

In my other life, I worked as a Counsellor, and completed an MSc in Psychology

at the University of Westminster (London).


I like to bring this experience into my vocal coaching to help artists

overcome mental barriers and improve their mindsets.


Click below to read some articles I've published on mental well-being. 

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